Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sara B walks!!!!!

People, this is literally the second time she took steps, around 15 minutes ago. The first time was approximately a minute before this. The video camera was handy and we caught it.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Projected Shabbas menu

Friday night.
Antipasti, with home-grown basil
Kube soup (that's Kurdish ground beef dumplings, for you Ashkenazim)
Chocolate mousse. This IYH will be from a neighbor, as a thank you gift for chamber music concert tickets last night. FABULOUS MUSIC - a world-class Russian pianist.

If Y can make bagels, then bagels.
If not, bread pudding from his homemade sourdough bread.
Broccoli frittata with organic broccoli from Farmer Ben.
Assorted cheeses.

Watermelon gazpacho, also with home-grown basil
Apricot chicken from Chef's Illustrated
And all with Yehoshua's bread. If I can get him to make sweet challah....

Hoping you're all jealous. Barbara Kingsolver, you're invited.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sara's two words!

She holds the phone up to her head and says, "Hi." And she says, "Abba." !!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Another ear infection?!?

The pediatrician looked at Sara's ear, and said, "Ig." Looked at the other ear, and said, "Another ig." I'm starting to lose track of what number this is. He really really doesn't want to recommend tubes. I heard that acupuncture can be helpful - can this be done on a baby? Checking into it.

Yoshe Ber spent Shabbas at a friend's house in RBS. I seem to have a sinus problem, either infection, congestion, whatever - enough to keep me home from work. Y, Adina and Ferri are all fine. Ferri spends a lot of time outside now, coming home with utterly filthy feet.

I read "Homesick," by Eshkol Nevo to present to my book group. Loved the book, and the meeting BH went very well! What intelligent, thoughtful women! Saw an interesting interview with him and Jonathan Safran Foer on their respective Jewish identities...Foer falls into the common American trap of identifying Jewish literature and experience as exclusively Ashkenazi. But he does it so thoughtfully and articulately. Looking for new book recommendations.


PS It looks like our interview with HaAretz will appear this Friday!