Yehoshua posted the visuals below, but I wanted to add that Yoshe Ber passed his test to get his yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do. I went to the test - he had to know around 25 different holds, blocks, kicks, and punches, all in Korean. I was very impressed with the professional atmosphere, thanks to the Russian instructor.
Adina finished the school year with a slew of tests in the 90s. You go girl!
Ferri is learning how to swim! She and I went out together to pick out a bathing suit, and she has been very excited about her lessons. Her day camp (which is essentially an extension of her year at gan) is going very well, every day she checks out the schedule for that day's activities on the fridge. We are also spending some time on reading.
Adina has been reading Fudge books to me and YB in the evenings. When I read them myself, I found it utterly flat, but when she reads them, she gives the characters, well, character. She is really a born storyteller.
The baby's hair is getting longer, and she's learned to let you know loudly when she wants something...I'm dying to hear Mommy, but so far it's just Abba. Favorite game: see the thing fall from the head. Second favorite game: get pushed around in the laundry basket by big sister.
I'm trying to solve a problem in the Recanati quilt, and reading more Kingsolver and Chabon. Frugality has quickly lost its lustre. I vote for fad rather than trend. I want more money.