Monday, November 10, 2008

All the news that's fit to print

I have finished The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, and I can tell it was a masterpiece because I don't know what to make of it - this means there was enough content and challenge that it will take time to digest, and probably a reread as well. I still prefer Yiddish Policeman's Union, mostly because I loved the premise, and all the characters.

Our Amazing Adventures:
Adina got 110 on her Torah test - YOU GO GIRL. This is especially significant because it was a hard test, and many girls in the class didn't do so well.
Ferri just made a Cheerios and bead necklace.
Yoshe Ber knows the first chapter of Leviticus by heart. I know for some of you folks out there Temple sacrifices may seem not the greatest educational priority, but we are extremely proud of him.
Ferri has just learned the blessing for after going to the bathroom, and recites it with enthusiasm.
Sara B is lifting herself up, not yet onto her knees, and rocking. For the last three nights, she has slept until four or five before being nursed!!!!!!!
Yoshe Ber got his Tae Kwon Do uniform and wears it with pride.
Y and I finally went to the nursery last week, and have planted basil, coriander, radishes (inspired by my Dad), "baby greens," and mint. Garlic please G-d to come soon.

We have been exploring Do-it-Yourself. Frozen ice coffee, bread, muffins, biscuits have gone very well. Checked into raising chickens for eggs, doesn't work. Can't find the right coagulant for making tofu. Bought a second-hand ice cream maker, and fritzed it on the Israeli electricity, it may or may not be able to be fixed. Want to try mozzarella (also inspired by Barbara Kingsolver) and yogurt. Any ideas for us? In other great kitchen news, we bought a new Semiens oven which arrived today!

Rachel and the Cronies

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