Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Adina's quilt

She made this as a housewarming gift for Grandma Bette and Grandpa Paul. It took a lot of work! We're proud of you Adina!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Yosef's report card

Dear All,
We got back on Thursday afternoon from our 2008 US tour, and have been gradually getting over jet lag... the big news, of course, is going back to school yesterday. Some were excited, some were nervous, and some were both - but all seem to have gotten off to a good start. Adina is in 5th grade, and likes her teacher, Yosef in 3rd, and ditto, and Atara Tiferet continues in her gan from last year.
Yosef hadn't gotten his report card yet, so he brought it home yesterday - another great report! Lots of B+'s, with one A- and one B. Especially of note is his Expression grade of "Very Good," which shows considerable improvement from the boy who needed speech therapy in first grade! His Rebbe writes, "I enjoyed teaching you a lot! You are polite and are a good person (translator's note: How do I translate "Middot tovot?"). You invest in your studies, and help your friends with innocence and a shining face! You're a smart and curious student, who loves to learn and increase knowledge. May you continue thus, and succeed in third grade!"