Wednesday, October 24, 2007

From Yoshe Ber's Ivrit (Language Arts) teacher

A note:
Good job to Yosef Dov! From the beginning of the Operation, you have already behaved and studied appropriately in five classes in Ivrit! Continue thus!
-Teacher Geula

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Today's reflections on too much information

This pregnancy, I'm consciously trying to get enough:
iron, ideally through my diet, but see issues below with protein
calcium - but not too much dairy, because it makes me congested
protein - but of course not too much tuna, because of the mercury, or red meat, because too much is bad for you, or dairy, because what about the cholesterol and the stuffed nose
vitamins, of course ideally through fresh fruits and vegetables
exercise, balancing cardiovascular (Curves) and stretching (yoga)
specific pregnancy-oriented Chinese herbs

Does anyone else find this list funny? I'm not even including other things people have recommended, which include, but isn't limited to,
Omega-3 (without it, my kids won't be geniuses)
raspberry leaf tea
meditation (according to the book, meditation during pregnancy will definitely save the world)
even more yoga (ditto)

Monday, October 15, 2007

Baby update

Dear all,
I'm grateful to share that all is well with Baby Hershberg. Yehoshua came with me to an ultrasound yesterday, and we saw everything, which was growing correctly, the right size and in the right place - spine, beating heart, kidneys, eyes, five stubby little fingers on each hand, etc. No signs of chromosomal problems, the banana-shaped thing in the head was ok, etc., thank God. This wasn't even the most advanced ultrasound technology that's around, but I still find it amazing.Yes, we know the baby's gender, and no, we're not planning on telling, THIS MEANS YOU ADINA. :)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Adina, from strength to strength

Adina's teacher sent home a wonderful note. First of all, it's on a memo sheet with purple butterflies. Second of all, it reads:
Dear Adina's parents,
What fun for me to teach Adina! She has a thirst to know and participates wonderfully. I really enjoy discussing things with Adina, because she is so mature and pleasant to talk with. She always behaves nicely and with good manners, and she has a fine personality.*
May you have a lot of nachas.
Chag someach,
*This is how I translated "middot tovot," which in Hebrew conveys the sense of someone who tries to be good, considerate, kind, etc.