Sunday, October 7, 2007

Adina, from strength to strength

Adina's teacher sent home a wonderful note. First of all, it's on a memo sheet with purple butterflies. Second of all, it reads:
Dear Adina's parents,
What fun for me to teach Adina! She has a thirst to know and participates wonderfully. I really enjoy discussing things with Adina, because she is so mature and pleasant to talk with. She always behaves nicely and with good manners, and she has a fine personality.*
May you have a lot of nachas.
Chag someach,
*This is how I translated "middot tovot," which in Hebrew conveys the sense of someone who tries to be good, considerate, kind, etc.

1 comment:

Grandma Bette said...

I love to talk to Adina, too! and agree with everything her teacher had to say.
Grandma Bette