Thursday, October 18, 2007

Today's reflections on too much information

This pregnancy, I'm consciously trying to get enough:
iron, ideally through my diet, but see issues below with protein
calcium - but not too much dairy, because it makes me congested
protein - but of course not too much tuna, because of the mercury, or red meat, because too much is bad for you, or dairy, because what about the cholesterol and the stuffed nose
vitamins, of course ideally through fresh fruits and vegetables
exercise, balancing cardiovascular (Curves) and stretching (yoga)
specific pregnancy-oriented Chinese herbs

Does anyone else find this list funny? I'm not even including other things people have recommended, which include, but isn't limited to,
Omega-3 (without it, my kids won't be geniuses)
raspberry leaf tea
meditation (according to the book, meditation during pregnancy will definitely save the world)
even more yoga (ditto)

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