Sunday, December 2, 2007


Dear all,
I am now the proud owner (or sharer with Adina) of a new Macbook, thank you Yael for shlepping it back from the US. The old one's screen died after something fell on it. I found life without easy access to a computer to mostly be a relief - I got a lot more reading done, and felt less distracted, although there were many many annoying moments when I couldn't get phone numbers, etc.
Ferri had a great Chanukah party last Friday, complete with reenactments of the Jews learning Torah and keeping Shabbas in caves, emulating dreidels, and doing a "Mi l'Shem Eli!" dance (this is a statement originally from the Sin of the Golden Calf that according to tradition, the Maccabees used as a rallying slogan. It means "Those on HaShem's side, come to me!") Followed by the BEST SUFGANIYOT I'VE EVER HAD, made by one of the gannenets.
Chanukah starts Tuesday night - I wish everyone strong Jewish pride, and a wonderful holiday!
P.S. Started third trimester.

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