Saturday, November 29, 2008

Reaction to terrorism

I've gotten better at being aware of my internal response to terrorism. Usually it starts with fury and rage, and then I also move into anxiety, grief, and sadness. And shock. Like, What kind of people would attack hospitals?

Yehoshua and I are talking about how we want to respond. Tzedaka is a traditional Jewish response that we are considering, either to help rebuild the Chabad House or to support other Chabad educational endeavors. Over the past year, I've been in touch with a woman who runs Jewish services for a small city in the Ukraine, including the shul, the school, etc. She and her husband show characteristic Chabad selflessness, dedication, and energy. (

May H' bring recovery of body and soul to all those who have suffered in this terrorism, comfort to those who have lost loved ones, and justice to the perpetrators.


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