Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Domestic arts

Hi all - in the past few days, I've planted petunias, cherry tomatoes, and mint. The arugula is sprouting!!! Unbelievably exciting! And the basil seems to be bouncing back somewhat. I also nabbed some loquats from a neighbor's tree - she practices Traditional Chinese Medicine, is a super-Jewish mom (calls everyone, regardless of age, bubbelah), and grows loquats. In other frugal news, made way too many muffins, which seem to disappear pretty quickly, IF they have chocolate chips.

And Sara is standing for a few seconds at a time!

Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel. When I was holding Sara this morning and smelling her head, I thought of how despite everything, we are still here. If you would like to commemorate Holocaust Remembrance Day, one way would be to pray for the return of Gilad Shalit, and the other missing Israeli soldiers. Or, if that's not your style, you could do one extra good action in celebration of positive Jewish identity.

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