Thursday, April 30, 2009

Today's lessons

Today I learned that if ignore your garden for half a week in the Israel summer (which is what this weather is, basically) -
-the arugula that was sprouting will disappear.
-the mint that was planted Pesach will VANISH. And I mean the seedling too. Where did it go? Did it blow away?
-the garlic will be dry.
-two cherry tomatoes will have overripened.
-ONE cherry tomato will be perfect.
-the compost has sort of vanished too, defying the laws of conservation of energy and matter.
Wow! This is a lot of fun!

Adina stayed home today with a cold. Yehoshua is still sick from last week, with sort of a continuation of his ear infection. Ferri got a nosebleed today for no obvious reason. Two days ago when I dropped of the dry cleaning, I saw the first panic in someone's eye around swine flu.


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